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#IforDayAction CELEBRATE the 2nd anniversary of the UN NUCLEAR BAN Treaty! – Join IFOR marathon

domenica 22 Gennaio 2023


On January 22nd, 2023, let’s join worldwide celebrations and actions for the entry into force of the United Nations Nuclear Ban Treaty, which states that nuclear weapons are not only immoral, but also illegal according to international law.

We call on all UN Member States to free the world from nuclear weapons by supporting the #nuclearban treaty by ratifying it (if they have not done so already).

We seek to underscore Article 6 of the Treaty, which concerns victim assistance and environmental remediation. In this regard, we call for #JustReparation

As stated in Article 7 of the Treaty, international cooperation and assistance is vital to achieve the total elimination of nuclear weapons and the full implementation of the Treaty.

Join the Peace Community and Take Action!

IFOR invites you to join, individually and/or as a group, the “Ring a Bell at Noon for Peace!”action on January 22nd, 2023. Learn ore here

There are many ways you can participate in the worldwide mobilization on nuclear disarmament around January 22nd to

Raise awareness

Call for action at the political /economical / cultural level

Show solidarity with the victims

? You can be active on social media, through mailing lists and Whatsapp sharing thematic graphics (see next point), information on the topic and the invitation to join the “Ring a Bell at Noon for Peace” action.

You could reach out to schools, religious groups and churches, youth, artists . . .
– Share the link of the Day of Action on social media
– Share the link of the Ring a Bell action on social media
? You can organize a public event on the topic and/or a street action and can print one of the banners IFOR prepared in different languages.

There are several issues linked to nuclear weapons (have a look at the INSIGHTS section below)

Environmental damages

Nuclear weapons tests

Exploitation of resources for the production chain

Nuclear States

Nuclear sharing States

Upgrading of nuclear arsenals

Investment on nuclear weapons


? You can organize a petition or press release or demonstration or prayer vigil . . . to call on representatives of local/national institutions to support the Treaty

There are several tools you can use:
– Call on your City Hall to join the “ICAN SAVE MY CITY”.
– Call on the members of your parliament to join the “Parliamentarian Pledge”.
– Call on your government to ratify the UN Treaty
– Join the campaign “Don’t Bank on the Bomb” and raise awareness on the issue.

? You can organize a thematic video screening in person or online.

We invite you to join the IFOR marathon on nuclear disarmament and plan an initiative or join local events.

Let us know what your plans are and have a look at what others are planning around January 22nd (it can be any time and any day close to the Day of Action)

Send in info about your planning writing to